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日期:2021-09-17 18:42:00  来源:清美文创        点击次数:421    


▲ 设计中国北京KOL意见领袖 倪镔老师


清华工美—清尚建筑设计研究院 所长

北京清美文创建筑设计院 院长

2016年 荣获“设计年度人物提名”荣誉大奖

2015年 荣获“设计青年领袖”荣誉称号

2011年 荣获“中国十大影响力室内设计师”荣誉大奖



















Beijing Asiniuniu Yi Nationality Cultural Synthesis


AREA:3200 square meters


Cultural Complex Space Design Project


ADD: Building 4-66, Gongti North Road, Sanlitun, Beijing


Lying in the most teeming section for business and entertainment with Sanlitun SOHO and Taiguli to its west, Beijing Asiniuniu is located in No.4 Electrical Research Institute, Northern Industry Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing. It has three aboveground buildings that cover 3200 square meters. The first and sole Beijing-based experience cultural synthesis carrying characteristics of Yi nationality by Liangshan Yi Nationality Autonomous State of Sichuan, Beijing Asininiu is listed as a model base for national cultural industry. It aspires to propel the diversified Yi nationality culture to China and the world so as to appeal to more people to get to know culture of Yi nationality.


In designing of this plan, to excavate connotation of culture of Yi nationality is the priority of our innovation. Picturesque natural landscape in Liangshan,, its lasting historic vein and ample regional culture constitute pivotal points of this plan. At the inception of the project, we would formulate rigorous planning on investigation following requirements and issues on creation. Through investigation on the local spot, culture of Yi nationality can be sorted out from whopping information can be basically categorized into architectural culture, garment culture, folklore culture, edible culture, appliance culture, religious faith, totemism, music culture, dancing culture and so forth. It is a process necessary in the initial period. Cultural elements carrying characteristics of Yi nationality can be abstracted and created into landmark cultural symbol containing philosophical reflection with abstract language running through the plan.


Its most characteristic feature is the ample style design at the peak. The roof of the lobby on the first floor consists of eight tassel-shaped model surrounded by eight log structure extracted from ancient building structure of Yi nationality. Thanks to tenon-structure decoration, it features hierarchy and its details smack of characteristics of Yi nationality. The stage area on the first floor and the pilotis room on the second floor compose climax of the overall spatial designing. On ground that height of the original architectural structure is constrained, tenon-shaped outrigger structure seen in ancient building of Yi nationality is adopted to forge timber-structure sunk panel so that caisson center is designed in the ceiling model consisting of red wooden structure and black mirror steel. Black mirror steel demonstrates reserved visual extension effect, and raises the overall spatial sense of the stage. The red wooden structure chimes with red colonnade of the whole space and evidently contrasts black mirror steel in hues. It helps enhance drastic effects of the stage and enrich visual hierarchy of the space.


Black, red and yellow are three most representative colors of Yi nationality and are landmark hues of Yi nationality. Black signifies ‘mother land of Yi nationality and most distinguished guest’ that is embodiment of dignity, solemnness and honor. Red is embodiment of ‘passion and courage of children of Yi nationality’ and signifies passion and romance. Yellow carries the meaning of ‘beauty’ and symbolizes beauty, delight, wealth, brightness and the future. In hue designing, the room is dominated by blackness for its floor and embodies mother land. All columns are painted red and run through the whole room with the means of array. It enhances ritual sense and rhythm sensation of the room. All wooden structure is colorless and adopts the color of pure boiled oil wood. It is embodiment of sculptural sense and spatial sense of the log structure. The earthy yellow texture painting of the wall shows ancient rustic charm seen in Yi nationality.


Beijing Aisiniuniu fully deploys designing factors abstracted from culture of Yi nationality and roundly starts its designing by targeting at people’s six senses namely visual sense, auditory sense, gustatory sense, touch, olfactory sense and mental induction so that people who come over to Beijing Asiniuniu would access unique national culture of Yi nationality both spiritually and physically.


Erods International Business Town



Area: 340000 square meters

Category: city business synthesis

鄂尔多斯国际商贸城位于鄂尔多斯市东胜区,北侧生态中街,南侧生态南街,东临工业西路,西临诃额伦东辅路,东西长约5 8 0米,南北长约2 5 0米。地势变化较大,东西高差约1 8米,建筑总用地面积约17万平米。

Erdos international business town is located in Dongsheng District, Erdos with ecological central street to its north, ecological south street to its south, west industrial road to its east and Ke’elun east road to the west. It is 580 meters from the east to the west and around 250 meters from the south to the north. It features contrasting topographical changes with landfall between the east and the west being around 18 meters. Its total floorage is around 170000 square meters.

设计师因地制宜,在本案设计将项目用地沿东西方向划为3个区段,将坡地改造为三个台地,每个区段间落差为5.7米。1#楼为第一台地,2#楼为第二台地,3#和4#楼共为第三台地。1#、2#各设计为一栋商业楼,地下一层,地上四层,建筑高度为23.55米;3#为商业楼,商业楼地下二层,地上四层,建筑高度为23.55米;4#为商业楼+酒店,地下二层,地上十一层,建筑高度不超过5 0米,总建筑密度34%,容积率:1.8,绿地率:31%,总建筑积34万平米。

The designers adjust measures to local conditions. In designing of this program, it is scheduled to be divided into three divisions from the east t the west. The slope is molded into three places with each section having a fall of 5.7 meters. 1# is the first platform, 2# is the second platform, 3# and 4# buildings fall to the third platform. 1# and 2# are designed into a business tower respectively. It has one underground floor and four aboveground floors. It is 23.55 meters in height. 3# is the business tower with two underground floors and four aboveground floors. It is 23.55 meters in height. 4# is the business tower and hotel with two underground floors and 11 aboveground floors. It is no more than 50 meters in height. The total building density is 345 and the plot ratio is 1.8. Its greenbelt rate is 31% and its total floorage is 340000 square meters.


Interior Designing in Shijiazhuang International Expo Center





Land area: 56.9 hectares

Total floorage: 35.6 square meters

Interior area of fancy decoration: 100,000 square meters

Designing style: new Chinese-style aesthetics and postmodernism


It is a key project in Hebei Province and Shijiazhuang city. It is located in Zhengding New Area in the northeastern corner of Central Business District of Shijiazhuang with several expressway and Beijing-Shijiazhuang railway surrounding it. Shijiazhuang Airport is 15 kilometers north of the project. It is next to the municipal government central park with such buildings as the municipal government, the library and the technology hall. Hutuo River and the riverside greenbelt lies to its south to satisfy actual needs of exhibition activities in the capital city.


南登录大厅是进入会展中心的主入口之一,在设计上采取在原建筑结构的基础上作简单装饰,考虑到人流量比较大,地面采用灰色花岗岩石材,顶面材料采用木格栅,包括与中央大厅连接的过厅也是应用木格栅,用铜杆串接,突出了整个装修风格以木、铜 、石三种材料作为基础的主题

Southern Registration Hall:

The southern registration hall is one of the main entrances to the exhibition center. In designing, it conducts simple decoration on ground of the original architectural structure. Grey granite material is adopted out of consideration of high people’s flow. Wooden grating is adopted for the roof. Wooden grating is also applied to the hallway connected to the central hall. It is linked by braze and punctuates that the decoration style puts wood, bronze and stone as fundamental themes.


北登录大厅与南厅对应,在设计手法以及材料运用上基本与南大厅保持一致,简洁的设计手法使得南北登录大厅整体 、 大气 、充满现代感,有一种强烈的视觉冲击力。

Northern Registration Hall

It echoes the southern hall. In designing method and material use, it aligns with the southern hall. The southern and northern registration halls demonstrate a magnificent and modern feeling with its succinct designing method. It shows intense visual impact.


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