
  • 建筑师的童话故事大赛,用叙事的力量治愈世界
  • 日期:2019-05-24 09:18:00  来源:      点击次数:2630
  • 建筑不应局限于造型,



    于是Blank Space推出了一个让建筑师讲故事的比赛Fairy Tales),自2013年成立以来,每年的童话故事挑战吸引了数千名参与者,今年的4月评审团选出了三个获奖者和13个荣誉奖。

    Blank Space 联合创始人弗朗西斯卡朱利安尼说:“今年的获奖者利用叙事的力量来探索复杂问题的解决方案,如移民,环境污染,气候变化,海平面上升以及人类的寿命问题。“ 童话故事”竞赛再次吸引了无数的创意人士,他们希望通过发人深思的艺术创作与当代最紧迫,最真实的问题抗争,来激发世界朝着有意义的方向变化。“

    丨评委团由20多位顶级建筑师,设计师和作家组成,其中包括Moshe Safdie,Tatiana Bilbao,Jurgen Mayer, Julia Koerner,Mark Foster Gage和Jane Yolen等。





    1st. “The Fall” 丨 Lorena Cano Acosta & Nicolás Mendoza Ramos






















    2nd. “Monuments of the Past” 丨 Nick Stath









    3rd.  “Kraken in an 80 Million Gallon Tank”丨 Anthony D'Auria

    “八万加仑罐子里的海妖”这个故事是在手机上写的,在一个被浓雾笼罩了四周的渡轮上。这个故事发生在一个不可思议的潮湿粘稠的未来 ——当无论我们建设多强,计划多详细,都无法扭转未来,我们该如何面对?我们如何生活在因为过去造成的脆弱土地之上?最后,这一切似乎都无法回答。

    - Anthony D'Auria


    Constantinos Marcou for “The Great Island of Replicas”

    Carl Ydergård for “TROLL”

    Xiaoyin Xie for “Pop + Circumstance”

    Jono Bentley Sturt for “Road Home”

    Michael Leckie, Ryan Nelson, and Jason Hall for “Crude World”

    Anna Kuchera for “The Age of Opportunity”

    Albert Orozco for “The Divided Americas: Ollin's Curse”

    Bojana Papic and Yann Junod for “This Used to be Our Home”

    Ahad Almeida Sheikh for “Lavender Lungs”

    Erik Bean for “Capital for the Collective: The Labour Miracle”

    Haley Koesters, Natalia O’Neill Vega, and Daria Piekos for “Political Climates”

    Sungmin Kim, Junghun Park, and Hoyoung Roh for “For Mortals”

    Claudia Wainer for “A Kitchen Drama”

    Fairy Tales 2019(故事原文)


    “I almost died for a plastic bottle,” she says, putting a cigarette to her lips.


    I’ve got to ask. “A plastic bottle?”


    “You heard me.” I strike a match for her as she talks, “it sounds strange because you can find plastic bottles anywhere, but it happened.”.


    “Was it a special bottle?”


    “No, just a regular one. Like the one you are drinking water from right now.” She answers vaguely.


    I could hardly picture it. Why would anyone face death for something as cheap as plastic? Is she making this up? This is not the first time I’ve shared a cigarette with her and she sounds sincere, even lucid. But how would I know? I don’t really know her. Even though I have seen her so many times walking down this street, we have never exchanged more than a couple of words.


    She looks up at the wall for a while. I do the same. There’s a lot of waste built into it. Bottles, jars, cans, bags, tires… all turned into a massive structure: The Ecowall.


    “Do you know why that keeps getting higher every year?” She says, still looking at it.


    “Maybe it’s the quickest way to process all the rubbish we produce into something useful?.


    She looks hard at me and for the first time I notice she is quite beautiful. Her hair is messy, her clothes are dirty, her shoes are ragged, and she looks pale and tired, but there is still something mesmerizing about her. The wind is salty and freezing at this hour and I wonder if she has a home, but don’t dare to ask. I offer her another cigarette and light one for myself.


    “That’s one way to see it, I guess…” She says, after a long pause. “But let me show you a wider picture. You know how people are always talking about global warming, right?” I nod. “Well, we can’t leave that aside, but it isn’t the core of this story.”


    I smile, so she continues. “Many years ago sea ice was melting and sea levels were rising very rapidly. Nobody really cared until life became unbearable with so many floods. Some rich governments started to come up with all kinds of solutions to deal with it, but nothing really worked. Eventually, they decided to literally wall-off the problem. They hired architects and construction firms to build barriers and walls, protecting people from the sea.


    “With these solutions some countries achieved to separate earth from water. So it became easier to keep throwing out trash in the sea. For them, the once feared ‘Garbage Patch’ was not a problem anymore, in fact it was the best way to get rid of waste and keep clean cities.” She flicks her cigarette to remove the ash and keeps talking. “Shockingly these measures became obsolete promptly. As sea levels continued to rise, so did the wasteful water. Entire countries perished, after a thick layer of our bluish planet covered them completely. And the most vulnerable populations suffered the greatest losses. Countless souls were lost and some more became a weird, annoying and different human species: immigrants.”


    She looks up one more time and releases a deep sigh. I look at her astonished. How does she know all this? Why would she bring this up now? Is this really all about that plastic bottle?


    “Back then the wall was not fulfilling its purpose.” She continues. “High tides were bringing back into the city the rubbish that was previously discarded, and with it, hundreds of homeless people from the outside. Exorbitant amounts of waste were piling up in the edge of the insufficiently tall wall, and more tons were being produced daily. One day a ‘clever idea’ emerged from that chaos. We could keep building a barrier against all these problems, by turning garbage into compact blocks for construction. That’s why The Ecowall was created. It was like putting a small Band-Aid on a big wound. The planet will keep rotting, but no one inside will have to see it, even better nobody will have to fix it.”


    So there I am, leaning on the wall with a stranger and facing a hidden truth. She has a point. When the project of The Ecowall began, everyone was relieved because the streets were cleaner and the immigrants were relocated. Big companies promoted their products as a future contribution to the ‘eco-friendly’ project and consumers blindly believed it. As sales increased, production also picked up and no one seemed to care. Worst of all, I didn’t either.


    I stamp out my cigarette and ask her if she has had breakfast yet. She says no, so I buy two cups of coffee and some bread. I keep just my cup and give the rest to her.


    “Are you an immigrant?” I ask.


    Her mouth is full of bread as she replies, almost dismissively. “Yes, but I wasn’t here when the wall was lifted up.”


    I almost choke on my coffee. An immigrant? Where did she come from? How did she get in? I look up at the junk structure looming over us and try to figure out its height. It’s as tall as… taller than… no, it’s by far over it…? The damn wall ascends to an unimaginable height. It towers over the city, hiding many neighborhoods from the sun. Did she climb over? Impossible… and nothing can get through it. She was clearly delusional.


    “How did you get here?” I ask playing along.


    “I came by boat, along with many others.” She whispers. “We sailed for days across polluted waters filled with dead fish, desperately searching for land to live in. You can’t imagine the impotence I felt when we reached the border and found a ridiculously huge wall of more waste. Without knowing what else to do, we had to climb it to get out of the sea. Then we waited… we waited in vain for humanitarian aid.”


    Tears fill her eyes.


    She sits down on a discolored trash can and keeps silent. Her story is outrageous, but I find it hard not to believe it after seeing her eyes in despair.


    “We had to live upon it. No one dared to climb down.” She picks up where she left off. “We made the best of what we found. You have no idea of how much fresh food is discarded daily. It all ends up there.”


    I take a few steps away and look up one more time. No matter how hard I try, I can’t picture anyone living on that monstrous wall.


    “Did you sleep on the eco-blocks?” I ask.


    “At first we had to. Fortunately, it didn’t last long. People with all sort of skills are trapped there. We were saved by an architect and surprisingly for me, by an ornithologist.”


    “A what?”


    “An ornithologist. Bird expert.”




    “Well, she was obsessed with the structures that weaver birds make to nest by tying leaf fibers. So, she suggested we could do the same and the architect came up with debris netting as a building material. We started up cycling and gradually accepted that human beings could easily live in the void, in empty shelters, made of empty materials, facing the emptiness of the world. And after all, we found our place.”


    What on earth was she talking about? I mean, really, who could enjoy life in the void?


    “How did you get into the city then?” I spit out.


    “I was drunk and fell,” she replies calmly. “I was trying to reach a plastic bottle and slipped on the wrong side. I passed out while falling, so I’m not sure how I survived.”


    I stare blankly at her. She’s been messing with me this whole time.


    “Why are you telling me this?”


    “That’s what I like about you,” she says with a soft voice: “You keep asking questions, even when the answers don’t satisfy you.”


    She got me there. “We have blinded ourselves enough to unsee what is right in front of our eyes. Some of us have shut down our own consciousness and now we are trapped in our own crap, thinking of it as our salvation.”



    After some time I take out a pair of cigarettes and I give one to her. She smiles and we smoke in silence with the Wall behind our backs. 



    January 17th, 2119


    Sunrise. 6.03am


    I tell my son stories of what it was like to climb the mountains on Earth whilst we watched the sunrise over Monument 37. Forests have vanished. Mountains are covered in dust. The colour of nature a century ago, now non-existent. Reaching 100 years since the rapid decline of forests & all natural elements, Governments across the world came together to create an array of architectural megastructures to hoist man made landscapes into the sky. Thousands of people now flock from all over to experience what nature on earth was once like. Our children of this generation can only imagine what living earth was once like. For hundreds of years the human race took Mother Nature and her resources for granted. She was diminishing in front of our eyes. Hectares of forests gone, land cleared for cattle grazing, cities expanded and urbanization consumed the natural landscape. We ignored the initial signs of climate change and when we took it seriously it was already too late. The green began to diminish and the dust started to flow as earth slowly began to resemble the Martian landscape.


    Early morning. 7.15am


    We depart and descend down the cliff face. Suddenly, our feet begin to tremble and the red dust around us starts to move. A giant gust of wind hits us as courier V34 passes overhead, delivering what appears to be part of a manufactured forest, to a nearby Monument. These man made trees above us appear to tower into the sky, they remind me of the last few remaining redwoods that I was lucky enough to visit as a child. The nostalgia kicks in as we watch it pass by. The powerful, bunkeresque vessels are designed to carry hectares of landscapes at a time, whilst providing people with scenic flights to the artificial landscapes. The trees are delivered to specific monuments where the tradition of forest bathing or shinrin-yoku continues. Being in the presence of the trees back when Earth was flourishing and in particular, its forests, was said to impose an array of health benefits and overall well-being. As the inhabitants of earth, we can only dream of experiencing what the Japanese once spoke of as bridging the gap between us and the natural world. We are now confined to our oxygen supply and can only try and reclaim the memories of what it was like to breathe in the fresh air of the trees.




    We approach one Monument dedicated to the green mountains of the past Icelandic landscape. My son has never been here before. He will witness being among the vibrant valleys and ranges that I frequently speak of.


    For the first time together we embark on an adventure inside this museum of natural landscapes. We must stay on the path because the soil adjacent to us is contaminated. We look up and see a fleet of couriers and scenic flight vessels heading to the artificial mountain tops. This Monument was said to be one of the first ever built. Its external walls clearly show its age and wear. Millions have stayed and inhabited its interior over the past few decades. Although it is said the buildings rooms are small and uncomfortable, people will happily endure their stay in order to wake up with what appears to be living landscapes. My son turns to me and says “dad, can we stay here tonight?” I hesitate to respond as I don’t want to disappoint him. These monuments are at full capacity for years in advance. So I tell my son “Maybe not today, but one day I promise”. He puts his head down, let’s go of my hand and continues to walk towards the over scaled architecture that awaits us.


    Afternoon. 2pm


    As we ascend up the monument, we can already hear distant voices of excitement. As we step out of the lift shaft, the landscape stares us in the face and diminishes into the horizon. My son is silent. His eyes wide open. A museum of mountains, hills and farm land is grouped together into a visual and spatial experience recapturing Mother Nature. My son walks forward in awe. I have to hold him back. We embark on our journey through the landscape, strictly on the platform as we were told we can look, but not touch. We don’t know what materials these landscapes have been built from. We have so many paths ahead we can choose from. My son heads towards the path on the right. I can see why, the platform there appears to be the most populated as it is positioned across from the base of the largest mountain top that reaches into the clouds.




    After an exhausting but thrilling day for both my son and I, we follow our path home over the dunes. He is running with joy, excited from experiencing what natural earth once was like. Suddenly, my son diverts from the path and runs. I rush towards him as he has stepped foot onto the contaminated and toxic soil. Despite being told that walking off the path could be fatal, I chase after him. I see his silhouette crouching in the distance. I turn on my flashlight only to see what I thought couldn’t be true. What looks like a plant reaches out from the dust. Could this be real?






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